Pativilla | Human Resources

Human Resources

Our company, which believes that the most important capital in global competitive conditions is human resources, bases its human resources policy on the following principles.

Honesty: Exhibiting fair, transparent and ethical behavior in communication within the company and with customers

Responsibility: Fulfilling the duties undertaken in line with company goals and meeting customer expectations.

Productivity: Increasing productivity with high motivation and continuous improvement

Sustainability: Increasing company loyalty by ensuring that our employees can look to their future with economic and social security.

Our recruitment process begins with the evaluation of applications submitted to our company electronically. After the selection of resumes suitable for open positions, candidates are invited to job interviews.

To apply to our company, you can fill out the form below and send it to us.


There are currently no active job postings.
Our recruitment process begins with the evaluation of applications submitted electronically. To apply, you can visit our page and leave a form.


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